Time Or Mind Management?
People have written books on how to manage your time, thinking deeply, I consider it not a issue of time but mind management. After all you will act on and spend your time on what thoughts are coming to your mind. It is impossible that body acts independently of the mind and the thoughts. Control and manage your mind and time will automatically be better managed. Everybody has 24 hours in day, how you use it makes all the difference.
A chaotic mind runs random thoughts, most which are irrelevant to the present. Have you noticed that the physical time and physiological times are not the same. When you are bored, time just not pass and seems to be stuck. Exactly opposite happens when you are engaged in an interesting and stimulating activities fully focused on it, hours pass by and you feel as if it was just a few minutes. Time stops when you are in deep sleep or meditation.
The more calmer your mind is, the more aware you will be of the situation and more focused and purposeful will be your actions. Exactly opposite happens when you have a disturbed and confused mind. You are neither able to decide on what and how you want to act on not be effective in what ever you do. Keep jumping from one activity to another, neither completing any of them. Total waste of time
Yoga and meditation helps in better management of of your mind through meditation and breathing. There is a direct connection between your breath and state of mind. When you are stressed, you would notice that your breath pattern changes. the best part is that it is both ways. Control of your breath helps control of mind. A few deep and slow breaths does the trick.
You also need to master the art of detachment, in which you become a observer of your own thoughts. The conscious mind (intellect) has to act as the monitor and moderator of the games the subconscious mind plays all the time.
You can only allow good energies to be absorbed if the mind is calm, open and receptive. Just like surface of a lake, you can see the jewels at the bottom only if the surface is still. To look into a mirror, we need to clean it. Dirty mirror will only give a hazy reflection.
Meditation helps to reset your mind to a calmer and more creative state which in turn makes your actions and routine more focused and efficient. You become more effective and successful in what you do. You free up more time for activities that you love and help you grow.
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